
(Digital Electronic)

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What is SerDes?

A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes pronounced sir-deez or sir-dez) is a pair of functional blocks commonly used in high speed communications to compensate for limited input/output. These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each direction. The term "SerDes" generically refers to interfaces used in various technologies and applications. The primary use of a SerDes is to provide data transmission over a single line or a differential pair in order to minimize the number of I/O pins and interconnects.

Technology Types

digital electronic




aesballerinabert-serializerbluetooth-beaconsbluetooth-low-energycarthagecentralmanagercocoapodscorebluetoothdeserializationdeserializerdigitalarchitecturedvpemmcethernetfpgafuturesgatt-profilehspijacksonjsonmgtopenlaneopenpdkperipheralmanagerperipheralsphpphp-7php7python... 22 more

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    Sources: DBpedia, Dice, FreeBase, Github, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 2/4/2022, 5:46:56 PM
     — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 4:45:28 PM