
(Chemical Process)

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Chemical Process
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What is Semisynthesis?

Semisynthesis, or partial chemical synthesis, is a type of chemical synthesis that uses chemical compounds isolated from natural sources (such as microbial cell cultures or plant material) as the starting materials to produce other novel compounds with distinct chemical and medicinal properties. The novel compounds generally have a high molecular weight or a complex molecular structure, more so than those produced by total synthesis from simple starting materials. Semisynthesis is a means of preparing many medicines more cheaply than by total synthesis since fewer chemical steps are necessary.

Technology Types

chemical processchemical reactionchemical synthesimedicinal chemistrynatural processprocess


hémisynthèsepartialsynthesepolusintezapoolsünteessemisíntesisemissíntesesemisynthesesintesi parzialeполусинтезаاصطناع جزئي반합성半合成


parcijalna hemijska sintezapartial chemical synthesispartial synthesispartiele chemische synthesepartiële chemische synthesesemi-sintezasemi-synthesesemi-synthesissemi-syntheticsemisintesisemisünteessemisynthesesemisynthesizedsemisynthetic半化学合成油

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    Sources: DBpedia, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 2/4/2022, 5:45:45 PM
     — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 4:23:55 PM