
(Structural Geology)


Structural Geology
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What is Seismotectonics?

Seismotectonics is the study of the relationship between the earthquakes, active tectonics and individual faults of a region. It seeks to understand which faults are responsible for seismic activity in an area by analysing a combination of regional tectonics, recent instrumentally recorded events, accounts of historical earthquakes and geomorphological evidence. This information can then be used to quantify the seismic hazard of an area.

Technology Types

seismologystructural geologytectonic


seismotectónicaseismotektonikseismotektonikoseizmotektonikaseysmotektonikasismotectoniquesismotektonikσεισμοτεκτονικήсеизмотектоникасейсмотектоникаսեյսմոտեկտոնիկաعلم الزلزلات التكتونيةلرزه‌زمین‌ساخت地震テクトニクス地震构造学地震構造學


seismotectonicaسایزموتکتونیکسایزموتکتونیکسلرزه زمین ساختلرزه‌زمین‌ساختی

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    Sources: DBpedia, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 04.02.2022, 17:45
     — Date scraped: 20.05.2021, 16:25