
(Coding System)

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Coding System
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What is PyPy?

PyPy is an alternative implementation of the Python programming language to CPython (which is the standard implementation). PyPy often runs faster than CPython because PyPy is a just-in-time compiler while CPython is an interpreter. Most Python code runs well on PyPy except for code that depends on CPython extensions, which either doesn't work or incurs some overhead when run in PyPy. Internally, PyPy uses a technique known as meta-tracing, which transforms an interpreter into a tracing just-in-time compiler. Since interpreters are usually easier to write than compilers, but run slower, this technique can make it easier to produce efficient implementations of programming languages. PyPy's meta-tracing toolchain is called .

Technology Types

actactivityenforcementeventexecutiongroup actionpython implementationpython programming languagepython programming language) implementationpython programming language) softwaresocial controltoolchainundertaking


باي بايپای‌پایপাইপাইപൈപൈ


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Sources: DBpedia, Github, Stackoverflow, Wikidata
 — Date merged: 04.02.2022, 17:50
 — Date scraped: 20.05.2021, 17:42