A puddle is a small accumulation of liquid, usually water, on a surface. It can form either by pooling in a depression on the surface, or by surface tension upon a flat surface. A puddle is generally shallow enough to walk through, and too small to traverse with a boat or raft. Small wildlife may be attracted to puddles.
Technology Types
bird feedingbodies of waterecological restorationhabitatlimnologyrainsprings hydrology
badinabalacharcoetunaflakoflaque d'eaugenangankalužkałużaklanslammikkolokvalomplopakpeļķepfützepisinplëtapoelpölpoolpötzpozapozzangheraputzupytttollvandpytvũng nướcкалюжа... 12 more
badinabanhadobasóncharcacharcocharco de aguaflaqueglunggeguntelachelackelāmalätäkkölatscheloiklouželuschemud puddlepfützepoça d'águapoça de águaporiloikporilomppozapozzaputtregenpfützesølepyttvannpyttvattenpöl... 7 more