
(Programming Language)


What is PowerHouse (programming language)?

PowerHouse is a trademarked name for a byte-compiled fourth-generation programming language (or 4GL) originally produced by Quasar Corporation (later renamed Cognos Incorporated) for the Hewlett-Packard HP3000 mini-computer, as well as Data General and DEC VAX VMS computing products. It was initially composed of five components: * QDD, or Quasar Data Dictionary: for building a central data dictionary used by all other components * QDesign: a character-based screen generator * Quick: an interactive, character-based screen processor (running screens generated by QDesign) * Quiz: a report writer * QTP: a batch transaction processor.

Technology Types

commoditycomputerdevicedigital computerfourth-generation programming languagehewlett-packard productinstrumentalitymachinemerchandiseminicomputerprogramming language

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Sources: DBpedia, Wikidata
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 — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 5:40:07 PM