
(Hyperelastic Model)


Hyperelastic Model
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What is Polynomial (hyperelastic model)?

The polynomial hyperelastic material model is a phenomenological model of rubber elasticity. In this model, the strain energy density function is of the form of a polynomial in the two invariants of the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. The strain energy density function for the polynomial model is where are material constants and . For compressible materials, a dependence of volume is added where In the limit where , the polynomial model reduces to the Neo-Hookean solid model. For a compressible Mooney-Rivlin material and we have

Technology Types

continuum mechanicfluidhyperelastic modelnon-newtonian fluidpossessionrubber propertysolid mechanicsubstance


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    Sources: DBpedia, Github
     — Date merged: 2/4/2022, 5:47:18 PM
     — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 5:18:22 PM