
(Mobile Computer)

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What is Jornada (PDA)?

The Jornada was a line of personal digital assistants or PDAs manufactured by Hewlett-Packard. The Jornada was a broad product line that included Palm-Size PCs, Handheld PCs, and Pocket PCs. The first model was the 820, released in 1998, and the last was the 928 model in 2002 when Compaq and HP merged. The Jornada line was then succeeded by the more popular iPAQ model PDAs. All Jornada models ran Microsoft Operating Systems that were based on Windows CE.

Technology Types

commoditycomputerdeviceelectronic deviceembedded linuxhewlett-packard productinstrumentalitymachinemerchandisemobile computerpersonal digital assistantwindows mobile classic devicewindows mobile professional device


hp jornada


f1904ahewlett-packard jornadahewlett-packard jornada x25hp jornadahp jornada 820hp calypsohp f1904ahp jornadahp jornada x25jornada



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    Sources: DBpedia, Github, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 04.02.2022, 17:49
     — Date scraped: 20.05.2021, 17:22