
(Coding System)

Logo of JabRef
Coding System since 2003
License: MIT_License
Link to Dbpedia

What is JabRef?

JabRef is an open-sourced, cross-platform citation and reference management software. It uses BibTeX and BibLaTeX as its native formats and is therefore typically used for LaTeX. The name JabRef stands for Java, Alver, Batada, Reference. The original version was released on November 29, 2003. JabRef provides an interface for editing BibTeX files, for importing data from online scientific databases, and for managing and searching BibTeX files. JabRef has been released under the terms of MIT license since version 3.6 (and was under the GPL license before). JabRef has a target audience of academics and many university libraries have written guides on its usage.

Technology Types

actactivitybibliography managereventfree bib te x softwarefree reference management softwarelinux te x softwarereference management softwarete x source forge projectundertaking




academic-paperacademicsalfredalfred-workflowapaarxivbibdeskbiberbiblatexbibliografiabibliographic-referencesbibliographybibliography-generatorbibtexcitationcitation-stylescitation-workflowscitationsclicloudcommand-linecommand-line-toolcrossrefcurriculum-vitaecvdatabasedockerdocumentationdoieclipse... 41 more

Sources: DBpedia, Github, Wikidata
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