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What is H-alpha?

H-alpha (Hα) is a specific deep-red visible spectral line in the Balmer series with a wavelength of 656.28 nm in air; it occurs when a hydrogen electron falls from its third to second lowest energy level. H-alpha light is the brightest hydrogen line in the visible spectral range. It is important to astronomers as it is emitted by many emission nebulae and can be used to observe features in the Sun's atmosphere, including solar prominences and the chromosphere.

Technology Types

astronomical spectroscopyatomic physicshydrogen physicsspectroscopy


h alfah-alfah-αh-алфаh-альфаh-ألفاhα線


6563h alphah-alfah-alpha lineh-αhydrogen alphahydrogen alphahydrogen alpha linehydrogen-alphahydrogen-alpha absorption linehydrogen-alpha filterإتش-ألفا

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    Sources: DBpedia, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 04.02.2022, 17:45
     — Date scraped: 20.05.2021, 16:21