
(Scientific Instrument)


Scientific Instrument
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What is Counter-scanning?

Counter-scanning (CS) is a scanning method that allows correcting raster distortions caused by drift of the probe of scanning microscope relative to the measured surface. During counter-scanning two surface scans, viz., direct scan and counter scan are obtained (see Fig. 1). The counter scan starts in the point where the direct scan ends. This point is called the coincidence point (CP). With the counter scan, the probe movement along the raster line and the probe movement from one raster line to the other raster line are carried out along the directions that are opposite to the movements in the direct scan. The obtained pair of images is called counter-scanned images (CSIs).

Technology Types

deviceinstrumentinstrumentalitymagnifiermicroscopescanning probe microscopyscientific instrument


встречное сканирование


counter-scanned images

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    Sources: DBpedia
     — Date merged: 2/4/2022, 5:47:07 PM
     — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 4:39:23 PM