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What is Blowhole (geology)?

In geology, a blowhole or marine geyser is formed as sea caves grow landwards and upwards into vertical shafts and expose themselves towards the surface, which can result in hydraulic compression of sea water that is released through a port from the top of the blowhole. The geometry of the cave and blowhole along with tide levels and swell conditions determine the height of the spray.

Technology Types

blowholecave geologycoastal and oceanic landformcoastal geographygeological formationgeologygeyserspring


blaasgatblåsehòl i geologiblåsehullblåshålbufaderogeyser maritimelỗ phunmořský gejzírufazuloüfləmə kanalıдихалодыхалоثقب انفجاريدیگ جن吹蝕穴潮吹き穴


blåsehol i geologiblaslochblowholebufaderobufóngeiser maritimotrou souffleur吹穴噴泉洞

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    Sources: DBpedia, Wikidata
     — Date merged: 2/4/2022, 5:45:39 PM
     — Date scraped: 5/20/2021, 4:44:23 PM