
Große Hamburger Str. 32, 10115 Berlin, Germany


Link to Stepstone
Legal NameWolt
HeadquartersBerlin, Germany

About Wolt

Wolt is currently active in 23 countries and more than 90 cities, servicing over 7 million customers. Our apps (iOS and Android) have the industry’s highest reviews, largely because of our customer-centric approach to how we build our products and operations. For example, our customer service team responds in a matter of seconds, in the customer’s own language. We’ve raised more than €258M in financing from renowned U.S. and European based investors, such as ICONIQ Capital, 83North, EQT Ventures and Highland Europe. We've also been fortunate enough to receive some appreciation and recognition for our hard work along the way: Apple selected Wolt’s app as their Editors' Choice, Wired named the company one of the "Hottest Startups in Europe," Forbes included our CEO Miki Kuusi on its 30-under-30 in Consumer Tech list, and the Nordic Startup Awards named Wolt Company of the Year. In 2020, the Financial Times named us Europe’s second fastest growing company. We’re still expanding rapidly and are looking for more talented individuals to join us. If you are passionate about cutting-edge technology, great food, and making an impact in your city, then Wolt just might be for you.

Main Industries

advertisingcorporate developmentmanagementcouriersdesigngrocery storescomputer-softwarerestaurantscommercesalesmarketingwerbungfinanzdienstleistungenretailinternetit

Main Skills

experiencehttpsis-atechnologya.outmarketingcustomersqlipadiosnaturalandroidstartupmobile apps

Technology Sectors


Company Info

Founded: 2015

Company Size: 500+

Employee Review Scores

Followers on Xing: 58

Software Tech Metrics

Data Info

Date of first job ad05.11.2021, 15:46
Date of last job ad05.11.2021, 15:46
Date merged11.01.2022, 21:51
Date created17.06.2020, 13:02

Sources: Careerbuilder, Indeed, Linkedin, Jobs.com, Monster, Stepstone, Xing
 — Date merged: 11.01.2022, 21:51