
Zeiloch 20, 76646 Bruchsal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


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Legal NameVolocopter
HeadquartersBruchsal, Germany

About Volocopter

Wir bei Volocopter bauen die ersten bemannten, voll-elektrischen und sicheren Lufttaxis der Welt. Damit werden wir die Art wie Menschen sich in Städten fortbewegen neu definieren und jedem den Traum vom Fliegen ermöglichen. Wir sind Pioniere der Luftfahrt und schrieben 2011 mit dem ersten bemannten Flug eines Multicopters Luftfahrtgeschichte. Es folgten Meilensteine wie die erste Fluglizenz und der weltweit erste autonome Flug in einer Megacity (www.volocopter.com). We at Volocopter are building the world’s first manned fully electric and safe air taxis. With the Volocopter we will redefine the way people move in cities and make humanity’s dream of personal flight come true. As pioneers in this field, we wrote aviation history in 2011 with the first ever manned flight of a multicopter. This feat was followed by milestones like the first license and the worldwide first autonomous flight in a mega city (www.volocopter.com). https://www.volocopter.com/de/imprint/

Main Industries

it-consultingit-servicesraumfahrtkomponenteninternetvehicle manufacturingautomotivemanagement consultingmanufacturingtransportationsoftwaredesignservicesherstellung von luftfluggesellschaftencomputer-softwareaccountingcontrollingfinancesoftware developmentit

Main Skills

erpcatalysticonagileinternet of thingsa.outpythonassemblydoorsmatlabexperiencemanagerinternal communicationssoftware requirementsscratchms officeactive directorymobile devicespowershellquality assurancemicrosoft azure cloudadministrationaviationazure active directorybusiness processcreativityhigh techinformation technologymanagementmicrosoft office... 1 more

Spoken Languages


Marketplace Types


Technology Sectors


Company Info

Founded: 2011

Company Size: 51+

Employee Review Scores

Kununu Score: 3.9

Followers on Xing: 520

Software Tech Metrics

Data Info

Date of first job ad02.09.2021, 08:58
Date of last job ad02.10.2021, 10:24
Date merged11.01.2022, 21:01
Date created13.10.2019, 21:08

Sources: Arbeitsagentur, Careerbuilder, Eures, Facebook, Indeed, Kununu, Linkedin, Meinestadt, Jobs.com, Monster, Simplyhired, Stepstone, Xing
 — Date merged: 11.01.2022, 21:01